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Fat Frog Ice Cream Bar
Nobody wants a frog in their throat, but back in the day, ice cream truck fans loved getting their hands on one very special and fruity, frog-shaped treat. Known affectionately as Fat Frog, this frozen delight was a fruit flavored ice pop in the shape of a friendly green frog with two bright red bubblegum eyes. You could skip the pond and head towards the sound of the ice cream truck to find this froggy frozen pop. Beloved by ice cream truck fans and amphibian fans alike, Fat Frog ice cream was guaranteed to put a smile on just about anyone’s face. But it wasn’t just the fun shape of this pop everyone loved — this little frog also tasted delicious too! The flavorful fruity ice and two gumballs were three more reasons to love our Fat Frog friend. Even if we can’t hop over to an ice cream truck to grab a Fat Frog anymore, we still remember him fondly.
Does this frozen dessert conjure up sweet summer memories? Adults and kids alike flocked to the ice cream truck for a taste of the classic Fat Frog frozen treat, but it was just too good to last. If you miss the fruit flavor, bubble gum eyes and frog shape of the Fat Frog ice pop, and think ice cream trucks should bring back this tasty ice treat, let us know!
Still searching for your favorite nostalgic ice cream truck treat from the 80s & 90s? Discover even more frozen desserts and delights from over 100 years of ice cream trucks here.